Wicked Problem: Artificial Intelligence
The first part of the project challenged me to pair idiosyncratic texts with images to make an argument about a certain wicked problem. A wicked problem is a social or cultural problem that is nearly impossible to solve as it often impacts many different disciplines and is linked to other unsolved social/cultural problems. My poster on the wicked problem of AI aims to illustrate the detriment of giving too much power to machines, resulting in the inevitable downfall of humankind.
For my poster's final presentation, I created a short experimental audio-visual film. The first file below is the audio by itself, and the video shows the audio paired with clips of layered video footages.
Below are two other posters I made before selecting the final one shown above.
I chose the topic of AI because I have always been into sci-fi stories and this was simply an opportunity to explore an idea. That is to say, I am by no means against AI, nor would I go out of my way to support it, so please treat this project as no more than an art piece based on an existing (overused) thought experiment.
All the images used in the posters were taken from unsplash.com